3rd April 2020
A diverse group of preschoolers in a classroom

How does bedwetting impact your child’s everyday school life?

Davina Richardson, RGN/RSCN Specialist Children’s Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK, discusses the role bedwetting can have on a child’s experience of school, including trips away from home and their performance at school. She explains how drinking habits during and after school […]
2nd April 2020
group of children playing tug of war and laughing

How can you manage bedwetting during the school holidays?

Davina Richardson, RGN/RSCN Specialist Children’s Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK, explains why managing bedwetting can be easier during school holidays. She also discusses the different treatment options available and how your doctor or nurse can help. Bedwetting is a difficult and […]
1st April 2020
Little girl and brothers camping in a tent in a sunny forest

How can you manage bedwetting during visits away from home?

Davina Richardson, RGN/RSCN Specialist Children’s Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK, explains how to manage bedwetting on trips away from home with family, schools or clubs. Bedwetting is a troublesome medical condition that affects about 20% of children aged 5 years old […]